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When Alexander the Great conquered the Egyptians, the Greeks adopted the tradition of giving rings to thier lovers to represent devotion.  Many of these rings depicted Eros or Cupid, the god of love.  When the Romans conquered Greece, they picked up on this tradition and began using iron and copper rings in marriage ceremonies.  The iron rings sometimes had key motifs to Symbolize that the wife now had control of the household goods.  By 2nd century CE, however, most rings were gold.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the ring finger of the left hand. contained a "vena amoris" of "vein love" that led directly to the heart. The Romans adopted this belief and wore wedding rings on their ring finger.  Although their belief isn't anatomically correct, the tradition of wearing rings on the ring finger continues to this day.                                                                                                                                                                                
What were the first wedding rings?Egyptian, Greek and Roman wedding rings! 
It was the Egyptian pharaohs who first used rings to represent eternity.  That's because a circle has no beginning and no end and reflects the shape of the sun and the moon, which the Egyptians worshipped. The Eqyptians also thought that the open space in the middle of a ring represented a gateway to the unknown.  The Egyptian ouroboros (oor-uh-boor-ros) rings portrayed a serpent swallowing its tail, representing the eternal cycle of things.  The ouroboros is one of the oldest symbols in the world, and its name means "tail devourer" in Greek.  

 Symbols of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
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