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King James Version (KJV)
, also called Authorized Version or King James Bible, English translation of the Bible, published in 1611 under the auspices of King James I of England.
The word LAW is translated primarily from the Hebrew word ThaWaRah in mount Sinai where Israel received the Law. They were at Mount Sinai about eleven months in the thunderstorm, accompanied by Earthquakes and trumpets blasts. The mountain capped with flames, the Most High spoke out the ten Commandments and gave Israel the Laws. (Ex.24ch)
The Book of Genesis- Genesis means Origin; Birth, the name being taken from the Greek Septuagint Translation of the Book. In the Hebrew, the title is the opening word BaRaAsh Yath in the beginning. Genesis a Greek word meaning five Rolls. This was originally one book called the Torah (LAW) or the book of the Law of Moses, but was later divided into five rolls. (Josh.23:6; Ezra 6:18)
The Book of Exodus- Exodus means going forth or departure. Exodus written in the wilderness completed approximately 1512 BCE. It is the continuation of the account in Genesis it reveals the Most High magnificent name in all brilliance of its glory and sanctity.
The Book of Leviticus- Written in the wilderness approximately 1512 BCE it was completed. The book consists chiefly of the regulations of the Levitical Priesthood, which was chosen from the tribe of Levi and the Laws that the Priest taught the people. (Mal. 2:7)
The Book of Numbers- Written in the wilderness and the Plains of Moab, completed in 1473 BCE. Numbers has reference to the numbering of the people that took place first at Mount Sinai and later on at the Plains of Moab (Num. ch. 1; 4; 26) It was written in the wilderness to the South and to the East of Canaan that the events took place.
The Book of Deuteronomy- Written in the Plains of Moab, and completed in 1473 BCE. Deuteronomy exhorts Israel to faithfulness to the Most High using the generation of the forty years as an example to avoid. (Deut. ch. 1) Special instructions were for the King, he was to write a copy of the Law for himself and must read in it everyday (Deut. 17: 18-20)
Source: The Holy Bible/The Torah The Five Books of Moses by Neil Harvey (ChaaRawTazaAhla)
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